My sister who is 8 years of old was insisting for a new bag for her school as well as outdoor camp and I found a perfect choice for her that is Camo mint medium back pack. Personalized back packs for kids, which has enough space for books as well as matching lunch tote. My sister also adores my choice as the backpacks are designed with Mint’s signature fabrics and colorful border designs. Camo mint medium backpack is perfect kids backpacks.

As I went for kids backpacks I solve one my own problem too,I was searching for a laundry bag and I found Mint Laundry Bags which I found very suitable for me as it contains enough space and perfect for laundry. Mint laundry bags contains shoulder strap which make easy too carry so if u are searching for a laundry bag Mint laundry bags is a perfect one.

Gettting the kids backpack and laundry bag was not seems to be enough for me because my eyes were attracted by a Penny Laine Baby Keepsake Books. It is a baby memory books for the collection of all those child memories. The book is with loose leaf with 50 to 60 decorative pages which is excellent for recalling those unforgettable memories its binder also allows you add pages as you wish. You can add any imaged from birth of ur child ur family and special pictures.